CÓDIGO DO PROJETO: 03/C16-i02/2022
O projeto TB4Health é uma testbed do setor da saúde e biotecnologia, integrante da Rede Nacional de Test Beds, nos termos do AAC n.º 03/C16-i02/2022. A TB4Health dispõe de uma plataforma de acesso a infraestruturas e capacidade tecnológica com o objetivo de criar condições ideais necessárias ao desenvolvimento e teste de novos produtos e serviços aplicáveis ao setor da saúde.
a. Disponibilização de instalações de testes reais e laboratoriais;
b. Disponibilização de instalações virtuais de teste e experimentação;
c. Oferta de serviços de assuntos regulatórios e de suporte de qualidade para fabricantes e distribuidores de dispositivos médicos;
d. Disponibilização de serviços de consultoria para ensaios clínicos, IA e robótica na área da saúde;
e. Identificação de use cases relacionados com saúde;
f. Criação e implementação de plataforma de acesso à lista de infraestruturas, serviços e equipamentos disponibilizados;
g. Lançamento de desafios co-financiados pela indústria de tecnologias de saúde, com vista à identificação de áreas de teste e desenvolvimento conjunto;
h. Disseminação e comunicação de resultados do projeto;
i. Teste de 60 produtos piloto na área da saúde e com forte componente digital até 30 de setembro de 2025
Biocant Park, S.A.; Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, E.P.E; Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, E.P.E; Medtronic Portugal, Lda.; Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.; Lusíadas, S.A.
DATA DE INÍCIO: 01-10-2022
CUSTO TOTAL ELEGÍVEL: 3.310.172,50€, cabendo ao co-promotor Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda o valor de 481.000,00€
APOIO FINANCEIRO: 2.399.999,99 €, cabendo ao co-promotor Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda o valor de 335.009,28€
Projeto cofinanciado pelo PRR – Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência pela União Europeia. Para mais informações visite:
PROJECT: PATH BOOTCAMP – Bridging the Gap: Pathways for Regulatory and Market Access Bootcamp
CHALLENGE: Across the Europe, HealthTech innovators are delivering commitment to the digital transformation of health and social care. At the same time, patients, healthcare professionals, payers, regulators – need a means of obtaining assurance and confidence across these domains so they can fulfil their duty to provide the best care to patients and the best value to the system. The PATH Bootcamp is designed to support innovators in understanding the highly regulated within European healthcare system.
SOLUTION: The intention of this 10- week highly-specialized and tailored program is to empower start-ups with knowledge to smooth the path between development and market access.
OBJECTIVES, ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS EXPECTED / ACHIEVED: The output of PATH Bootcamp is to support HealthTech companies with tools for the developing a complete go-to- market strategy i.e. regulatory strategy, health technology assessment, entry mode decision, reimbursement opportunities and tactical plan in order to have all market access requirements implemented appropriately ‘by design’.
CONSORTIUM: Instituto Pedro Nunes, Medical Valley EMN e V., Syreon Research Institute, Medtronic IbericaSA, Medtronic Portugal LDA, COMPLEAR – Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.
APPROVAL DATE: 2022-07-18
START DATE: 2023-01-02
END DATE: 2025-12-31
TOTAL ELIGIBLE: 458.539,00€
EC FUNDING – TOTAL: 225.365,00€, from which for Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda 39.727,00€
CHALLENGE: MDR-prep, an innovative electronical QMS-tool for compliance to the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) of early-stage medical device development, providing of intuitive templates and guidance through Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). This guarantees MDR compliance of investigational medical device research and prevents incomplete dossiers and re-doing critical tests at a later stage saving time and assure proper use of funding.
CONSORTIUM: Delft University of Technology (TUD), COMPLEAR – Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.
START DATE: 2024-04-01
END DATE: 2025-01-31
TOTAL ELIGIBLE: 58.500,00€
FUNDING – TOTAL: 58.500,00€, from which for Compliance Tech, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda 58.500,00€
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement 101071212.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Unidade Local de Saúde de Coimbra (ULS Coimbra), one of the largest healthcare institutions in Portugal, has identified two major healthcare challenges affecting the elderly and patients undergoing rehabilitation. To address these, companies have been selected for each challenge.
Hospital Challenge 1: RecoMed
Challenge overview
Many patients in CHUC’s Plastic Surgery and Burns department require ongoing care after surgery, especially those needing medication adjustments. However, communication gaps during transitions of care can lead to medication errors, causing delayed recoveries, readmissions, or complications. Addressing this is critical to improving patient safety and outcomes in post-operative care.
Proposed solution
MediRecon is a digital solution designed to streamline the process of medication reconciliation for patients in CHUC’s Plastic Surgery and Burns department. By integrating with the hospital’s electronic medical record system, MediRecon will automatically gather and verify patients’ medication lists, identify discrepancies between current and prescribed medications, and alert healthcare professionals to these discrepancies. This ensures safer transitions of care and reduces medication-related errors, improving patient safety and healthcare efficiency.
IT Companies co-creating the solution
- VirtualCare
VirtualCare, known for developing cutting-edge biomedical IT solutions, will lead the development of MediRecon. Their experience in healthcare technology ensures the system will efficiently integrate with existing hospital infrastructure, offering real-time updates and user-friendly interfaces for healthcare providers to manage patient medications safely.
- Complear
Complear will focus on ensuring the MediRecon platform complies with medical device certification requirements, preparing it for large-scale adoption in healthcare settings. Their expertise in medical device regulation will ensure that the solution meets the highest standards of safety and efficacy.